Monday, January 18, 2016

Best Hero Series - Carter (2016/01/18)

Best Hero Series #17 Carter
Unit: Paviser
Hero skill: Sacred Shield, reducing skill damage of Carter and his squad by 42% @lv10 for a period of time
Cooldown: N/A
Range: N/A

Old school tank. Supreme defense and HP but very poor damage. With max skill level increase, his skill greatly improves so he can return to the battle field.

Do note that his skill does not last forever.

Rating  (1 = worst, 5 = best)
HP: 3.5 (he has relatively less hp than other pavisers, still quite high tho)
Defense: 5
DPS: 1
Skill: 5
Unit class: 5
Overall: 4

Recommended Position(s)
Frontline against strong casters (like Merlin, Sarky)

Recommended Build
HP build (his only weakness) + minion hp build

Even more skill damage reduction will work too

Best Partners
He is an absolute tank so work well with all heroes who can deal damage (you don't want to have a full team of pavisers)

Group healers (Sarah, Hyn) help keep the squad healthy

No nemesis due to his all-round tankness (except HP), but if i have to pick i will have the following:

Polymage, reducing his defense to 0
Ignatius, whose minions deal damage ignoring defense (given that Carter has less health than most of the other tanks)