Friday, January 8, 2016

Best Hero Series - Achilles (2016/01/08)

Best Hero Series #16 Achilles
Unit: Pikeman
Hero skill: Burst Crush, when enemies dodge Achilles or his squad's attack, next 6 attack of that unit will not miss and have increased attack power.
Cooldown: N/A
Range: N/A

With the introduction of Assassin (Arbalists who can dodge), Achilles is introduced to counter the overpowered dodge. Turning enemies' edge to weakness is super effective.

Achilles is strong for sure. But do note that his skill only triggers when he or his squad misses. That is a discount to his skill output. And his skill is by luck so his output is with randomness. (That's why I prefer Leonidas over Achilles in general. You can build super high crit but not dodge)

Rating  (1 = worst, 5 = best)
HP: 2
Defense: 2
DPS: 4
Skill: 4
Unit class: 4
Overall: 4

Recommended Position(s)
2nd line. Pikemen are squishy so you would want to avoid them taking damage.

Good candidate for the pikeman of my Top Shield.

Recommended Build
Similar to Ignatius, build minions damage or minion crits

When necessary, build minion skill dmg reduction

Best Partners
Saladin, super effective partner
Joan, super effective partner
Sarah / Manto, group healing

Tanks who don't have high dodge build won't dodge (skill does not trigger that much will not trigger) (Thanks Dimtriy for the comments =] )
AoE heroes (Sarky, Merlin, 3* archers etc)


  1. >Tanks who won't dodge

    Every hero will dodge. That's why Achilles is much more effective than Leo.

  2. Hm... my words might be a bit ambiguous..

    What i wanna express is "Tanks who don't have high dodge build". Lemme update it =]

    From the aspect of figures, max dodge rate is lower than max crit rate if you have the right build. So Leon should have more proc rate than Achilles in general.

    Another important point is most minions won't dodge.
    From the view of killing heroes, Achilles can be more potent (esp. in mist). Yet, Leon skill works on all enemies anytime (of cuz, except when it is dodged).

    Both are really good for sure. And I am thinking to put more and more pikemen in rally!

    1. But crit is only one strike. And Achilles gets 6 mighty strikes which cannot be dodged (Leo can miss with his strikes and it lowers crit chance). That's why Achilles does more damage. Even if enemy has low dodge Achilles still uses his skill regularly. I always see flashes even when Achilles attacks for example 3* archers.

      I had 130 lvl Leo with some 5* gear and 90 lvl Achilles with only 4* gear. And Achilles did more damage in most battles.

    2. I squad total or hero dmg?

  3. Kenny, Achilles' skill is not "Counter Strike", it's "Burst Crush".

    1. No problem. By the way, are you doing the special promo thing (which is how you get Pettyfer I think?)

  4. Best partner for Achilles is Octavius. You know what I mean.

  5. Best partner for Achilles is Octavius. You know what I mean.
