Sunday, August 2, 2015

Best Hero Series - Kelly (2015/08/02)

Best Hero Series #4 Kelly
Unit: Arballist
Hero Skill: Lethal Shot, have a certain percent to instant-kill an enemy hero

An old-school front-line tank. Her skill can one-shot every hero if it is triggered (around 30%). If you are a lucky guy, she will be super useful. Otherwise she is a tank with good defensive stats.

Rating (1 as worst, 5 as best):
HP: 3
Defense: 4
DPS: 1
Skill: 3-5?
Unit Type: 3
Overall: 3.5

Recommended Position(s)
Front-line, in front of a pikeman. All she needs to do is to stay alive and use her skills

Recommended Build
She has decent amount of defense and her minion isn't too useful so focus on her survival.
Skill Damage Reduction

Nemesis (New Content!)
Jerome, perfect counter
Morgana, turning Kelly useless
Reinhard, cannot be killed when skill is active

One word before this end. I got Octavis! So Jerome will be swapped very soon. Poor Jerome.

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