Thursday, July 23, 2015

Best Hero Series - Reinhard (2015/07/22)

Best Hero Series #2 Reinhard
Unit: Infantry
Hero Skill: Holy Shield, becoming invincible for 12s every 20s in battle at max.

As most of the infantry class, Reinhard serves as a tank to soak damage. With his active skill, he can stall enemies effectively. Very good candidate as a Lane Filler in v1.8.

Rating (1 = worst, 5 = best)
Health: 34
Defense: 5 (top 10 highest def)
DPS: 12.5 (due to his long life)
Skill: 45
Unit class: 13.5 (with adv. infantry)
Overall: 3.54

Recommended Position(s)
Last column (Buy time for him to trigger his active and fight cavalries)

Recommended Build
Shadow Necklace (HP regen)