Friday, July 24, 2015

Best Hero Series - Hedvig (2015/07/24)

Best Hero Series #3 Hedvig (Edited on 2015/08/02)
Unit: Arballist
Hero Skill: Paralyzed Arrow, dealing high single targeted damage and increasing target's skill cooldown for some time.

By doing daily quest, you can get the hero with probably the highest physical damage (lv 150, lv 10 BoK) in the game. Able to lengthen skill cooldown, moderate high proc rate and tones of damage, Hedvig may be an underdog in Arballists field.

Rating (1 as worst, 5 as best):
HP: 2
Defense: 4 3.5
DPS: 5 4 (Highest damage, high luck)
Skill: 3
Unit Type: 3
Overall: 4 3.5

Recommended Position(s)
Second front column as physical DPS (behind Saladin, who increases physical damage of units in same row)

Recommended Build
Critical Damage for minions

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