Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Battle Post - Formation - Lane Filler (2015/07/21)

Playing with my rally for the whole day (actually only 30 minute. So busy today at work and after work), I have tried several formations (The screencaps are for illustration only, not what I use in practical)

(Let me try putting everything in point form. Tell me if you like it more than long paragraph!)
Lane Filler
- Filling up all lanes
- Tanky heroes in last column ("Lane Filler")
- 2-3 rows fully filled

- Lane Fillers stall enemy very effectively for being time-consuming to reach and kill
- Focused damage on the 2-3 rows

- Lane Fillers die = Huge trouble to other lanes
- Overall low output, since rally needs many tanks and wasted Lane Fillers' output

If your output heroes are very strong, it might be a viable option (as you can see, mine aren't too good for this)


  1. Hey kenny, how was 3 MA been? I believe you should add Elizabeth too. She's great with the MA. I think now its all about leaving tanks like reinhard at the back row and having really good troops. AOE isn't so effective anymore, but still good. I'm still using 2 archers at level 87. I swapped kelly out for carter, and he's not doing too well. I see every top rally having circe, reinhard, philnus, ignatius and the 2 4* muskets.. So I'm not too sure who else is effective now

    1. 3 MA is great at my PL (lv65) as heroes are easier to kill. But be caution that MA minions aren't the best class. Good builds are needed to maximise the whole squad's output.

      My thinking of being effective in v1.8 is to support other lanes so 3 classes are more effective than others:
      - MA with Deadly / Pierce Shots
      - Archers
      - Mages

      I would say Belthor and 3* Archers. They will attack nearby enemy instead of running around the map.
      Liz is great but I don't have a slot for her now (18 heroes only...)

    2. Belthor has super high proc rate and very effective protection. I am writing a post on the current formation I have and he has an important position to the team that not many heroes can replace.

    3. Belthor is great. He has the highest attack out of all the mages. Just a comparison, mine has 3.4k attack with 4*bow, with only level 8 BOK but Philnus has only 3.6k, maxed out BOK with the 5* vivian staff. I really think philnus and belthor are going to be permanent in my rally. Leonidas is really great as well. Anyone who can deal with heroes effectively (including turning them into sheep) are worth any spot in a rally i think!

    4. Belthor is great. He has the highest attack out of all the mages. Just a comparison, mine has 3.4k attack with 4*bow, with only level 8 BOK but Philnus has only 3.6k, maxed out BOK with the 5* vivian staff. I really think philnus and belthor are going to be permanent in my rally. Leonidas is really great as well. Anyone who can deal with heroes effectively (including turning them into sheep) are worth any spot in a rally i think!

    5. I think Leonidas will be more effective later when I can afford better gears for him. Now I investigate more on Ignatius cuz he is just amazing (before I obtain Octavius)

  2. Yes, I am trying out more than 1 poly mage as well. I was wondering if the 3* healer is good as I don't have philnus. Do you think he can heal well?

    1. I like Philnus. But I don't recommend training 3* healer. If you need heal, level up Morale Skill Heal. It is really impressive when its @ high level
