Saturday, July 25, 2015

Battle Post - Formation - Top Shield (2015/07/25)

Lane Filler might be a good strat for players with strong tanks. I don't however. Now, I am sharing with you the rally I am using right now.
Top Shield
- Top 2 rows empty
- 3rd row with tanky heroes + pikeman in last column (Top Shield)
- Archers and mages in 4th row supporting Top Shield
- MAs at the bottom rows to storm backlines (I don't have strong cavalries)

- Top 2 row empty = Enemy top row cavalries must attack pikeman at the back (Strong advantage)
- Top 2 row empty = Enemy top row non-cavalries must attack Kelly only (Heal and Mist on single point)
- 4th row archers and mages will support Top Shield

- Even against a Bottom Shield (reversed version of Top Shield)

The key of this formation is that you decide how enemy act without using any Morale Skills (militia to intercept / disrupt).
And then u can put up some fight.
A bit better than I think

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