Friday, June 19, 2015

Battle Post - deaths ball (2015/06/18)

A little update of my rally.

I reach lv55 so 16heroes on the field. Inspired by rally of AI, i
I am trying to build a "death ball" (if u play starcraft2, its like the old school terran MMM deathball).
My main rally, AP 68K

The bottom 2 rows are the death ball, consisting of 2 sheep mages, 2 firebomb musketeers, Phil and a 3* archer. The concept is the 2 sheep mages will stop any melee enemies (due to their htllł p rate) and musketeers will finish the polymorphed enemies super fast. Phil (Sarah is better) will heal and archer will also output. Everyone is ranged so they stick together and i can use morale heal and mist more effectively.

Joan and shazzo are used as the tanks. Joan might not be too good as tank and...seriously i migt swap her with Charles so i can cast more rally skills (heal and mist in particular). I like shazzo for his damage reduction active.

Meanwhile, the upper half rally aims to survive only. I will drop 1 heal and 1 mist on them, and then focus on making my death ball alive.
And today i grab a golden cup, and...
Of course i will draw mad at them now


  1. Hey,
    So how's your death ball perform? Capable of beating armies with higher AP?
    What do you think about rally idea with many polymorph mages and musketeers?
    And who is AI who inspired you for this idea?

    1. Sure it does work! Some players with 80K+ AP cannot beat my rally (at their 1st trial, at least). Check out my latest post for that haha

      2 main streams I see in rally arrangement. One is all-round team with every unit type in it. One is to use a lot of a specific type of units (like 3* archers, MAs or pikemen). If your mage is well-trained (mine is not currently), having them as frontliners might work. If you have tried, tell me how good it is!

      And...the AI is really the Normal stage's AI rally. One time I was so frustrated seeing a Sarah + 2-3 polymorphs rekting my team and I had this death ball idea.

  2. BTW when you swap heroes do you upgrade units from scratch till max? Doesn't it take tons of money? Do you farm gold? if yes - how?

    1. If you have the swap-token and your hero is worth you should swap (tokens are free anyway). And...I don't particularly farm gold. You can get enough from PvP BTW, what level are u at now?

    2. I'm just starting, lvl 24. I'm thinking what rally do I want to see at the end, so I could save money by not leveling useless heroes. Sheepers + musketeers sounds fun, but could be hard to beat 3MAs because of low health, and things may change a lot in 1.8.

    3. MAs are strong in early games but I don't like single target skills tbh. You can check the rally of higher level players and they sometimes don't put Nicola in the rally. So...I might just use 2 MAs and more AoE for higher levels.

  3. Hey Kenny, u can try Ignatius in the middle row. With lvl 10 active and 20 squad at pl60, he can literally rip through any middle lane in seconds and then move on to the other lanes to help. He can even win William St the same level. I haven't seen alash middle yet. Maybe his dodge can counter Ignatius, but that's about it. All other troops are completely obliterated. Especially when he has about 60 crit, and the necklace for minions to inherit crit. And one lore advantage is the middle row , front column most likely doesn't take any aoe damage, so they are very safe from harm until they move to the other lanes. Even then, they might not be drawing aggro so soon!

    1. Farming squad sizes for Ignatius is fun too. After the long wait from 17-18 squad size, the x2 mats from 120-140 are easy and fun to farm. I would raise him to 25 first before anything if I could. The cost maxes out at 100 fragments at 500k I think.

    2. Thanks for your sharing Porter!
      When i get ignatius at the very first time, i place him in the middle post and yes, he rekt everyone facing him! Surely i can give him a try again! And i need to think how to arrange the upper half of my rally. It is quite weak now tbh...
      Meanwhile, farming mat is... super imporant but my heroes are not strong enough to farm effectively (dats why im busy farming scrolls and tuning my rally). Definitely, i will start working on that ASAP

    3. Sometimes its really hard to increase AP while maintaining prestige level. When you are lvl 65, u will notice the crunch when gold slows down to a trickle and unless you're strong, its hard to farm PVP just for the gold needed to upgrade troops. There are almost too many things to upgrade so having your rally set early is important. I wouldn't mind a few 3*s as long as I keep using them. Farming scrolls sap a lot of energy too. Sometimes I farm 480 energy worth and get only 3 scrolls. Its tough really haha.

    4. I think regarding ur rally. U can try Circe as a tank at top. This way he can tank and fast illusion for u faster. How is his skill? I like him on lvl 8 active. He clones. Heroes just fine. When u put him in front, he will clone the enemy tank and that clone will tank for u for 9 seconds. And mages are good units as well!

    5. By the way, what are your squad sizes and unit levels ? U seem to have very high AP for lvl 55. I'm 56 and only 65 k. So I think you are doing well. Getting those AP rewards are great. Especially the crystals!

    6. Yes gold is going to be an issue at my level cuz im aready going broke to level up minions. About the AP level, i dunno the average AP for my level n i have seen people with higher AP at my level. So i guess i might be above average. Anyway,skills level > AP.
      My squad size should be standard at 16 for most of my hero. Vry soon i will raise them.
