Tuesday, December 1, 2015

MnD - More new necklaces for v1.9 (2015/12/01)

The official release note for v1.9 is out. You can check it out yourself. Inwill try cover them in tthe coming posts. (This post is supposingly release 2 days ago but I forgot to publish it...)

My lord, what have you done to the new necklaces...

Gladiator's Glory:
Increase the damage of hero by 25%, and have a 30% chance to instant kill a non-hero unit.
Comment: My god. Imagine a Reinhard that is un-killable and can kill your minions. This item also works great with DPS heroes like Hedvig. But for heroes who rely on crits, Curse Necklace might be slightly better.

Orge Peral: Hero skill will crit and deal 15% bonus damage
Comments: This one sounds great but the same issue as Commander Necklace. This is a by-chance increase in damage. If you are unlucky like me, you might not even have a crit in the entire battle. Otherwise, this should greatly fit for casters, especially Edward (who is greatly buffed is this release)

Ancient Elf Courage: When a hero casts skill, troops and hero will get a 20% damage increase for 3s.
Comments: It seems great at first, but my second thought is that this is for mages and musketeers majnly. Pikemen have skills that only cast once in the battle so it is useless on them. Well, musketeers arent that strong now (but triniti is spending efforts to buff musketeers as u will see in the release note in triniti forum. I will cover more details layer) so we will see how this necklace works.

The healing bonus necklace is not mentioned in the release. Likely it is removed. The slience and proc rate necklace are still there.


  1. Don't forget about Gawain, that necklace could be useful for him. Moreover his proc chance will be boosted in 1.9

    1. The proc rate necklace is great as people start concerning about cooldown.

      But, some heroes (who are already good, like most casters) will be way better than others ( for example, Ragnar is becoming even more useless in contrast to William who spins more frequently)...im worrying about the choices of heroes from this point onward

  2. And I doubt that musketeers should use this necklace (except Edward). Their cooldown is too high.

    1. For Edward, i would use cooldown necklace or minion crit necklace if i have canon or the non-crusade infantry. Heavy musketeers deals a crazy 100% damage to stunned units (guaranteed crit!)

      While i still think the other musketeers are not much of a worth if you dont use other units who can stun.

    2. Agree. I'm actually thinking about bringing him back and using Cannon-Sarky-Edward-Summers(with stun units) line. Though in IOS version he's bugged again, stun lasts for 5 seconds even at 12 lvl skill. I hope they will fix him in android version.

    3. btw, Summer's minions can still stun enemies after they become stone minions?

      I dun have Summer so I cannot test it out =[

    4. No, they don't. I use him in this line because his minions can hold enemy for a long time, which is useful for Sarky with his long cooldown.

  3. Sorry for overposting but... Where did you get those descriptions? Sam wrote "Hero receives a 3s blessing per releasing skill, boosting units' basic attack and defense by 20% within the period." Not hero and minions, just minions only. And attack != damage. When attack increases by 40% damage increases by 8%.

    1. I think units include hero? You know, Sam's english is sometimes a little bit hard to understand lol

      And about the attack, since the equation has changed since 1.8.5 (no longer divided by 5 like before), i just try explaining the attack as an increase to the numbers but not the final effect.

      Until i have the time to work on the new equation myself...have been crazily busy last and this week..

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Wait, how do U know that it's no longer divided? There's a topic at official forum (viewtopic.php?f=115&t=544414) with formula. There were some changes, but that's because of restrains.

    4. I read that post from Frozen Mop or someone. The formula was changed as far as i remember...

    5. Yes, it changed, but only because of restrains. Bigios tested it, and now it looks this way:
      (Attack - Defence) * 0,2 * Restrain = Damage

  4. Hi Kenny!
    First of all, congrats on a great blog. It's really been helpful so far, but I have a couple of questions I would like to ask.
    Currently I'm at PL 52 and my rally is composed of: Saladin, Ignatius, GDR, Gawain, Urza, William, Belthor, Shazzo, Reinhard, Ganagard, Sarpy, Hyacinth, a 3* mage, 3* archer and 3* cavalry.
    I just got El Cid, Leonidas and Edward (also Ragnar and Charles Martel, who are sadly useless) witch as as soon as I am able to farm for the skill scrolls I'm going to put on my rally as well.
    My question is: who should I take out for them? Obviously El Cid for the 3* cavalry but other than that I'm not sure.
    Isn't Urza worth while with the spartan advanced unit?
    Finally. Which of my current heroes should I place together for a better output? Besides placing Reinhard at the top with the mages and archer bellow it.
    That's all. Tanks again for a fun and very useful blog.
    Keep it up! Cheers!

    1. Forget about Urza, get rid of him as soon as possible. Swap with Leonidas, for example.
      Also Shazzo usually dies too fast, wouldn't recommend to use him at his stage.
      I'd put another 3* archer. Of course, his skill must be upgraded.

    2. Thanks!
      I think it's time for Urza to go Home...
      Possibly Shazzo as well. Once I've got the appropriate hero to replace him

    3. Thanks!
      I think it's time for Urza to go Home...
      Possibly Shazzo as well. Once I've got the appropriate hero to replace him

    4. Thx for reading Juan! Appreciate you like it!

      Agree with Dmitriy that Urza is a bit of a shame and you should remove him should you have any other 4* alternatives (even 3* spartan is better, tbh)

      About El Cid, strongly recommend to place him with squishy pikemen, especially Ignatius who heavily relies on his minions. Belthor works well with him too.

      For Edward, i would say a must-use in v1.9 for the 100% bonus attack to stunned units when he is lv100 with Heavy musketeers, not to mention that his proc rate has increased.

      Last but not least, Shazzo might not be the best for now, but still he is a paviser and minions can still take some punch. Unless you have better ones like Cedric or Summers, going for Shazzo is still a viable option (i used him from beginning till now =] )

    5. My bad. Edward doesnt hv his proc rate increased but the duration for his stun at skill level 11 and 12. Still excellent news to Edward!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks for the great tips!
    What about using cavalry at the bottom row to attack long distance enemies?

    1. If you will run into Reinhard, dont do it!

      Else, i will send at least two cavalries (best options are El Cid plus Hynicth/Lancelot) with the goal to survive as long as possible.

      I dont do this as I dont have El Cid...and the 3* version is not strong.

    2. Btw, the above is my second account

    3. Great, I've been using Hyacinth to keep my front line alive (Ignatius, GDR & Gawain). But when I put El Cid on my rally tomorrow I'm gonna try sending them with Galahad at the bottom and see how it goes in comparison.

    4. Great, I've been using Hyacinth to keep my front line alive (Ignatius, GDR & Gawain). But when I put El Cid on my rally tomorrow I'm gonna try sending them with Galahad at the bottom and see how it goes in comparison.
