Thursday, September 10, 2015

Game News - Latest 1.8.5 Update (2015/09/09)

As promised, here are some updates on v1.8.5 from Triniti forum:

New hero update
Achilles: Instead of 3x damage for next attack after enemy dodges successfully, the buff lasts for 6 secs.

Saladin: Now Saladin buffs all units in the same row as him instead of buffing the heros in same row only.

This is a huge buff to both hero. Saladin becomes pikemen's partner in crime and Achilles is only stoppable by stuns and polymorph.

Advanced unit update
There are 2 kinds of advanced units. One is called Elite unit, which is unlocked for free at hero level 50. One is advanced unit (the one I discussed in previous posts), which is unlocked for free at hero level 100. You can swap between the advanced units for 20 tcrysals.

Not much info regarding the elite units at the moment but i believe they should be visually the same as current minions, just buffing their stats.
Advanced unit is only applicable for 100 lv hero. That means XP special stage and PvP with experience tomes are very important now.

And there are a bunch of changes to hero skills, advanced unit skills etc. Lemme continue in next post (overtime till very late tonite, cant really write in english properly...)


  1. Uhmmmm I really like it that you made this blog to guide beginners as well as advanced players but can you please make me an acc. in mini warriors that has 9 or more 4* heroes??
    Because I only have Charles Martel, Bellerophon, and Jerome and my Prestige Level is 43 :(

    1. Sure, always welcome any comments and questions!

      Charles Martel is good at ur PL as he allows u to use more morale skills. You can level his skill to ard 3 to 4 and use him until u get heroes like Cedric, Shazzo, Carter etc

      Bellerophon is for higher PL. Just skip him at the moment.

      Jerome is fun to play with and he has a buff in proc rate in v1.8.5 (higher chance to cast his skill). You can use him for now, but likely swap him out later.

      You might consider using the following 3* heroes:
      1. 3* archers: Excellent hero for poor minions. Use 2 or 3 of them in rally with max skill level
      2. 3* musketeer: Excellent minions and great hero skills. Use 1 to 2 of them eith max skill level
      3. 3* polymages: Polymorph is very powerful. Use 1 with max hero skill
      4. 3* Spartan (Optional): Use 2 of them with skill level 4 to 5. Replace them as soon as you get Leonidas, Ignatius or Achilles

      Hope this helps =)

  2. what about the new 5-star hero? There is an event released for morale scrolls, with a guy who kinda looks like charles martel but with a very short sword. I noticed his lvl was in orange and that afterwards at the statistics the hero had 5 stars. I didn't see him tho at the book in the tavern so I really wonder what it's about

    1. That's a hidden hero called Authur (the name of the stage is Authur stage). He is not available to players and no one knows his skill. Rumors say his skill is a halo to improve units' attack damage and attack speed.

  3. I'm stuck at prestige lvl 33 at 29k power. I can't do anything to get xp or do any pvp. I have 5 4*.

    1. Hi Jack,

      No worries, im here to help!

      Do you mind telling me what heroes you have now?

      If they are worth, you should focus on getting as many skill scrolls as you can in order to level up ur heroes' skill damage. They are the major source of damages at early PL. (you should be able to win the green scroll stage, right?)

      Meanwhile, you can go through the old world map for the extra exp and gold. You can reach the old world via the pink portal.

    2. You can see my blog on what to do around your level:
