Friday, December 18, 2015

Best Hero Series - Ragnar (2015/12/18)

Best Hero Series #14 Ragnar
Unit: Infantry
Hero skill: Berserker, increasing Ragnar's max health and attack by a certain percentage when an enemy's hero dies (6% at lv 10)
Cooldown: N/A
Range: N/A

Ragnar gets stronger the more enemy heroes are dead. He is not that bad against weaker players.

But killing heroes ain't that easy without a good team (like 3 MAs, Kelly, Leonidas etc). Ragnar relies heavily on other heroes so...he is not the brightest when alone.

One huge weakness of his skill is that only he benefits from dead enemy heroes. Like Octavius, Leonidas and Achilles, their minions get benefit too. I have no idea why Ragnar's minions cannot be benefit from that.

Rating  (1 = worst, 5 = best)
HP: 3
Defense: 2
DPS: 2.5
Skill: 1
Unit class: 1
Overall: 2

Worth noting is Ragnar has highest HP and attack at level 1 among infantry. His defense is poor in terms of dodge (lowest) and defense point tho as a trade-off.

Recommended Position(s)
Last line so he can survive longer to wait enemies die

Recommended Build
DPS on hero, such as curse necklace plus a lot of crits
Skill damage reduction if necessary
(No need to build HP as his skill boosts HP as well)

Best Partners
Heroes that kill heroes fast:
- 3 MAs with Parthia MA
- Kelly, who can instant kill heroes
- Ninja, who focus heroes
- Leonidas, who kill heroes super fast

All healers, particularly Phil
Reinhard, "why won't you just die and let me buff ?"
Tanks who are hard to kill

I think Ragnar might be able to counter Jerome who can revive heroes. However, i have tested with Urza and he can only cast his skill (2nd Chance) once. Seems like Jerome's revived heroes do not trigger hero's death count when they die. Might needa test it out sometimes.

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