Saturday, November 14, 2015

MnD - 5+1 Rally (2015/11/13)

One of the most common rally since v1.8 is the 5+1 rally. It composites of a max skill Reinhard alone in the top-most lane (the 1) and the bottom 5 lanes filled with what ever you have.
A reference of 5+1 (ignore the 5, i just made one up for illustration)

Since v1.8, Reinhard has more than 10s invincibility and very good at tanking 3-4 squad by himself. You only need to drop one mist on him at the beginning of the battle and he will stall the enemies for a good amount of tine without your attention.

One extremely important element of 5+1 is you must have Phil, and he must be next to Reinhard so Reinhard can stay alive way longer.

Since everyone is using 5+1 (most of the players), this becomes a "do it or lose" rally formation (i feel like it). If more people are having the 1 at the top, others have to follow or you will send your 5 against the 1, which is an absolutely waste of firepower.

Of course, there are many ways to counter Reinhard. If Reinhard is dead very early, 5+1 is rather useless:
  1. Polymorph to disable Reinhard's in casting his skill
  2. Morgana to silence Reinhard
  3. Hedvig to length Reinhard's cooldown
  4. Burst down Reinhard with the OP Lancelot (in case you dunno, there is a bug that Lancelot has 100% chance to cast his skill, as soon as his skill is not in cooldown)
Some elements of the "Top-Shield" reused, particularly pikeman at top left

And this was the way I used Reinhard (with a pikeman at the back), which I think is better than 5+1 as the cavalry won't attack Reinhard if there are too many units already in fight with Reinhard. This formation is to counter cavalry-heavy rally.


  1. I am new to this game, and fortunately I found your blog. Hope to read more about the game. you sir deserve my respect :)

    1. Thanks! Feel free to ask anything u wanna know i will try my best to answer it!

    2. Yeah! right now I have William, Lancelot, Hyacinth, Kelly, 3*Savage Infantry, 3* polymorph mage, but I can't decide between 3* archer or 3* musketeer as main damage dealer. I going to use them for the rest of the game, what is your opinion? and how many polymorph mages is enough?

    3. I prefer 3* archers for their range and shorter cooldown on skills. Yes their minions are the worst in game but the skill is simply awesome. Just keep 1 or 2 3* musketeers (i would keep 1 only if i had Sarky and Edward)

      And about the 3* savage infantry, strongly recommend not to use him as...almost every 3* heroes are better than him, unfortunately.

      And about polymages, put as much as you want as they are one of the best classes in the game =] Some high level players use 3!

    4. thanks for your advices, I am going to upgrade my 3*archers now :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am feeling unlucky after spending more than 500 Diamonds on Gold refresh yesterday and could not see 4* heroes :(

    1. No worries, you will get a lot more as time passes =]
