Saturday, June 13, 2015

MnD - The Classic Restrain Cycle (2015/06/12)

I have been playing for 1.5 months. Time flies and I am having fun!

Here are some personal opinion (totally personal) on the design of the 3 classic minions (Cavalries, Pikemen and Infantries). Purely on the minions, totally not related to heroes and positioning in rally.

I think cavalries, infantries and pikemen are the 1st 3 classes in-game so they are designed to restrain each other in a cycle. Actually a classic cycle of restrain that pikemen > cavalries > infantry > pikemen. For restraining, I have heard that it is about 30% increase in damage dealt.

Meanwhile, there are 3 types of stats for minions (HP, attack and defense) and the 3 classes have different stats combinations. Pikemen are damage-focus but extremely fragile, infantries are balanced and cavalries are...more damage but less HP than infantries. Pikemen will kill cavalries crazy fast as cavalries aren't with a lot of defense, infantries will kill the fragile pikemen fairly fast but...cavalries might not kill infantries fast. +30% damage on cavalries is not comparable to +30% damage on high-damage pikemen, and infantries are fairly high hp and defense.

From statistical point-of-view, infantries > pikemen > cavalries.

Two very important elements that distinguish the classes are movement speed and target-seeking behavior. In v1.8, cavalries will attack the far-est enemy if there are none remaining in their lane. And there will be more positions in a rally (that can be empty). That means if cavalries are positioned in an empty lane, they will go straight to other lanes' backlines which are likely ranged minions (Rekt them!). Pikemen need to run super long to chase cavalries, wasting DPS.

So...very likely...only pikemen and infantries will be fighting. Infantries > pikemen statistically.

Overall, cavalries > infantries > pikemen in v1.8. (Too soon to draw conclusion tho!)

If you like my thinking, leave a comment. If you don't, leave a comment as well!

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