Sunday, August 16, 2015

Best Hero Series - Leonidas (2015/08/16)

Best Hero Series #6 Leonidas
Unit: Pikeman
Hero skill: Wrath of Sparta, permanently increases the critical damage of himself and minions

Pure DPS hero (rely on physical damage) with extreme crit. damage. With the perfect minion type (pikeman), he can cause serious damage to enemies heroes, especially cavalries. Comparing with Ignatius, the hero is more important than the squad so the build can focus on empowering the hero.

Rating  (1 = worst, 5 = best)
HP: 3
Defense: 2
DPS: 5
Skill: 4.5
Unit class: 5
Overall: 4.5

Recommended Position(s) (Added graphs for illustration!):
William's position, behind tanks
Circe's position, next to empty lane against cavalries (Lane above Circe's location should be empty)

Recommended Build
Hero crit damage and luck (all-in damage build)
Defense or skill damage reduction, if he cannot survive at all

Best Partners (New section!)
Robinhood, maximizing physical damage with armor reduction
Phil, great hero healing

Alash, perfect counter of DPS heroes
William, AoE plus infantry class
Hilda, reducing physical damage by a lot

2 special notes for Leonidas:
1. His 3* version is very strong as well. If you don't have a 4* pikeman, use them (Just don't use Urza)
2. In v1.8.5, advanced minion types will be introduced and one pikeman type is Spartan, who has 50% increased damage if hero is alive. Now u should see the importance of building a strong Leonidas instead of strong minions.


  1. One piece off wrong information is that you state it increases the critical hit damage of his pikeman. It could be a typo because you later say that he is more dependent on the hero and not the hero's troops.

    Other than that I found this pretty awesome. Great to here about different squad type things, always good to hear innovation!

    1. Thanks JW for your comments =]

      What I want to suggest is that strong Leonidas (e.g. using Curse Necklace) is more effective than strong minion (e.g. using Commander Necklace) for his purpose to kill heroes.

      Hopefully it's not too confusing for you now =]
